People Counting Whitepaper

Access this free resource to see how Computer Vision is delivering pedestrian analytics with unprecedented accuracy, speed and actionable insights.

People Counting Whitepaper - Front Cover

People Counting with Computer Vision

Automatically detect, tally and analyze pedestrian activity

In this whitepaper, we explore the reasons why legacy, hardware-reliant and server-side technologies have prohibited efficient and reliable People Counting in the past.

We’ll then assess the pros and cons of Computer Vision technology, including:

  • Its ability to address flaws in historical methods of data collection and analysis
  • Benefits derived from its accurate application
  • Why a centralized approach to people-based Video Analytics works best

7 reasons to download

Still perusing the page? Alright, here are the highlights of VisualCortex’s People Counting Whitepaper and why it’s worth downloading.

Request access to this document and discover:
  • Top 12 drawbacks of… legacy methods of People Counting
  • The 6 most common alternatives… to Computer Vision (and why they fall short)
  • Top 9 reasons why… Computer Vision is the best method of People Counting
  • Top 9 problems with… most Computer Vision-based People Counting products
  • 7 reasons why… a centralized approach to Computer Vision overcomes those problems
  • 11 must-have features… of any People Counting solution
  • Top 6 industries… that can benefit from video-based People Counting solutions

Ready to unleash the value of your video?

Get in touch with the VisualCortex team today
